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Breeding Exceptional Warmblood Sporthorses
for Hunters, Jumpers, Eventing & Dressage
Facility in Paris, KY
Marabet Farm is now located at Alesi Farms in Paris, KY. Alesi Farms is also the summer home of our partner Olde Oaks Farm, Situated on 264 acres it is heaven on earth for horses! A total of 48 stalls,, including a 20 stall Training/Show barn with automatic horse walker, a 16 stall Stallion barn with collection mount and a 6 + 4 stall Broodmare/foaling barns together with 4 equipment/storage barns and a utility barn. The property also includes 3 ponds, all underground utilities, asphalt roads throughout the farm and automatic waterers in all pastures. We have over 25 pastures and a brand new 210' x 110' riding, a new 80' round pen and new permannent jump chute next to our new smaller youmg r horse riding ring.
There are two main homes on the property, one of which is where the Marabet Farm family resides. Also a recent addition of five cabins for employees, Trainers and guests.
Alesi Farms is about 30 minutes from Lexington and The Kentucky Horse Park.

Arial view of the foaling barns and the log home and some of our many pastures.

Training Barn - 20 12x12 stalls, Wash Stall, Tack Room, Feed Room & Kitchen

Stallion Barn - 16 14x14 Stalls, Wash Stall, Tack Room, Feed Room & Stallion Mount, Breed Lab, 80 Ft Round Pen, permanent Jump Chute and Young smaller riding ring.

Foaling Barn 1 - 6 16x16 stalls, Watch Room, Feed Room, Wash Rack & Bathroom

Foaling Barn 2 - 6 12x16 stalls, Feed Room
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