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Stallions Breeding Information

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Bliss MF

2006 Westfalen (RPSI) Stallion by Balou du Rouet (Baloubet du Rouet)
out of Ornella (Argentinus/Pik Trumpf) 
Lifetime Approved Hanoverian (Jumper Breeding Program), Belgian Warmblood (BWP-NAD), Oldenburg GOV, Westfalen (RPSI) and sBs. 
KWPN Registry A Papers.
Homozygeous Bay (A/A) & Sabino  16.1 1/2 Hands
WFFS - N/WFFS - Please test your mare before breeding. See information below marked


Fresh Cooled Stud fee $1800 LFG
Frozen per dose $1800 No LFG

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Carry On MF

2008 BWP Stallion by Corlando (Calypso II)
out Royal Envy MF by King David (Lucky Boy).
Lifetime Approved Oldenburg GOV, Belgian Warmblood (BWP) & Westfalen (RPSI)
KWPN Registry A Papers
Homozygeous Black/Bay (A/a) & Sabino

17 Hands

Fresh Cooled Stud fee $1600 LFG
Frozen Per Dose $1600 No LFG



2004 Westfalen (RPSI) Stallion by Balta'Czar (Alla'Czar) out of Papillon (Ariadus/Cheenook) 
Lifetime Approved Oldenburg GOV, Belgian Warmblood (BWP-NAD) & Westfalen (RPSI).
KWPN Registry A Papers
Homozygeous Black/Bay (A/a) & Sabino

16.2 Hands


Fresh Cooled Stud Fee $1400 LFG
Frozen Per Dose $1400 No LFG

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Pilandro Blue

2014 Oldenburg GOV Imported Stallion
by Plot Blue (Mr Blue/Pilot)
out of La Comtess (Contendro/Landadel)
Approved Oldenburg GOV and Westfalen
Homozygeous Bay (A/A) & Sabino
16 1/2 Hands

Fresh cooled semen only at this time.
Introductory price of $1200 LFG


Beyond Bliss M

2017 Stallion by Bliss MF  (Balou du Rouet/Argentinus)
out of Elite Mare L'Attitude MF (Lord Pezi/Chenook) 
Approved Westfalen and sBs.
Homozygeous Bay (A/A) & Sabino  16.2 Hands
WFFS - N/WFFS - Please test your mare before breeding. See information below marked


Introductry Fresh Cooled Stud fee $1200 LFG

Discounts on Full Price Stud Fees 

- Competition Mare Discount: $100 off - Please enclose copy of show records. To be decided by stallion owner.
- OR
  Elite, Premium or Performance Test Winner Mare Discount: $100 off. 

--Multiple Mare Discount: $100 off each mare for two ($200 savings), $150 off each for three ($450 savings) and four is      $200 off for each mare ($800 savings)
--Repeat Breeding Discount: $100 off each mare
- Only two discounts may be used for each mare at the same time. 

Please call Maggie if you are interested in becoming one of our exclusive breeders and be eligible for huge discounts. 

Credit Card Fees
There is a 3.6 fee for credit cards as this is what we are charged.

Early Bird Specials (Fresh Cooled Only)

September 20% off  -  October 15% off  -  November 10% off  -  December 15% off 


Click on Stallion Service Contract  PDF below to download. Please fill out and return. 
 -Please note that this Stallion Service Contract is assumed and enforceable regardless of actual signed contract once payment is cleared.

***Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS or FFS) is a newly discovered recessive gene that in very very rare cases causes a foal to be born with skin so thin that it cannot survive. Because it is recessive a foal can only be affected by getting the gene from two carrier horses (stallion and mare) and then there is still only a 25% chance. Carriers are listed as N/WFFS which means they carry one clear gene and one carrier gene. A non carrier or clear horse is listed as N/N. So a carrier stallion bred to a clear mare cannot produce an affected foal. A carrier stallion bred to a carrier mare can produce a clear foal (25% chance), a carrier foal (50% chance) or an affected foal (25% chance). Horses that are carriers are not affected in any way as riding horses and the only way to know is to test and the only reason to test is if you want to breed.  In fact this was first seen over 70 years ago in Europe but it was so rare (only 4 documented cases) that no one tried to discover what it was. All of our stallions were recently tested and all are clear except for Bliss MF. In over seven years of breeding (and 296 foals on the ground not counting this years crop) we know of no affected foals by Bliss MF. It can also cause late term abortions but the foals are clearly affected and we know of none. Regardless 'knowledge is power' and if you would like to breed to Bliss MF we suggest you have your mare tested first. Here is a link to the test site: It is very easy to do as it only takes hair pulled from your mares mane with the root attached to do the test. It costs $40. If your mare tests as a carrier and you have bought a breeding to Bliss MF we will gladly switch to any of our other stallions if you wish.


-Starting in 2015 a full price stud fee is good for as long as the stallion is standing. A $500 fee will be charged after three years if not used.  
-Discounted stud fees are good for three years only, although you can pay the remainder within that three years to make it a full priced stud fee. 

-Frozen Semen has no LFG.

-Once purchased Stud Fees can't be sold or transferred to anyone else regardless of signed contract or not. 

-Contracts will be honored to new owners of mares sold in foal to our stallions, or if stud fee was part of mare purchase price.

-If you wish to change the mare originally booked please clear it with Marabet Farm first.

-LFG is good for 3 months from date of birth. Unattended births are stand and nurse.

-STUD FEES PURCHASED FROM REGISTRY AUCTIONS: Breedings purchased through the registry auctions are only good for the year purchased. The LFG is the standard stand and nurse. If your mare does not take in the year purchased there will be a $750 re-booking fee for the next year only. Stud fee is void after that.

-Collection fee is $250 which is our cost, disposable container is $40 or $350 deposit for an Equitainer, plus FedEx shipping charges.

-Breeding season is from March 17 - August 1, 2025.

-We collect MWF during the week and on weekends for an additional fee for FedEx SameDay Service.


Extremely fertile semen.

Fully radio-graphed clear of OCD's for Stallion Approval.

the ride behind the ribbon begins with the bloodlines behind the dream

Contact us at 859-248-8888

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